Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sandbridge, VA

Seeing the ocean for the first time this year

Peyton demonstrating the back stroke. She does much better on her back.

We went to Sandbridge last week and had a wonderful time at the beach. It was blazing hot each day and there were a few incredible storms, but for the most part, the weather was perfect for sitting on the beach and by the pool. Liam was swimming without floaties by the end of the week and was so proud! Peyton's swimming improved too. Spending several hours in the pool each day helped a lot. Peyton wasn't scared of the ocean and went out with Mark, but Liam stayed on the shore. He was content to stay out of the waves. It was so nice to be away from home, but great to be back. Only 4 weeks until school starts, yikes! I feel like the summer has gone way too fast.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Rain day Fun

Peyton and Liam were so excited to play in the rain this week. After about 2 weeks of dry weather, we had two days of rain. They ran outside and played in it for about 15 minutes. I stayed dry in the garage with my camera! Our brown grass has greened back up a bit and our garden seems to be doing fine. We have only picked one large tomato and about 6 grape tomatoes so far, but we are hoping for a big crop of tomatoes!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's July!

All dressed up in our Egyptian garbPeyton really got into the eye makeup
And so did Liam (he has to be just like his sister)
Riven Rock Park

Completely wiped out after a long day of playing in the stream and hiking around the park

We have been so busy this past month. Our church just finished vacation Bible school and we had a great, but very tiring time. We did an ancient Egyptian theme and the children studied the life of Joseph. The volunteers and children got dressed in costume each night and I think that was part of what made it so much fun. Mark was Joseph each night and the kids would yell hello at him every time they saw him, in or out of costume.

We stayed in town during the holiday weekend. We spent Saturday downtown enjoying our town's local July 4th festivities. We watched a down home parade and ate cotton candy and bounced on inflatables at our church. We did not stay up for fireworks because we had so many late nights during VBS. We heard later that the town fireworks were only 10 minutes. I'm so glad we didn't keep the kids up late.

Mark had Monday off so we drove to Riven Rock Park, about 15 miles outside of town. We ate a picnic under the shade of the trees and then we let the kids play in the stream. They had a blast. By the time we left they were completely soggy and wet. Peyton went home in Mark's t-shirt and Liam went home with no clothes on! Mark tried to put a pair of his boxers on Liam, but he complained that they were too big, so we threw a towel on his carseat and drove home. He kept saying he wasn't tired in the car, but about 5 miles from home he crashed. We carried him in and put him on the couch and he slept for about an hour.

We have had such an incredible heat wave these past few days. We were spoiled last week with high temperatures in the high 70's/ low 80's and now it's 100 today. We went out this morning to run a few errands and then we came home. I am so grateful for a nice cool house and the ability to get out of the heat. Our grass is dead and our veggies are suffering from lack of water. We're hoping for some nice rain soon.