Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Weekend

We had a very busy weekend. We planted Black Eyed Susans, Gerber Daisies, Petunias, and a new Coral Bell to replace the butterfly bushes the rabbits ate, and to fill our planters on the front porch with new annuals. We also planted marigolds in really cute pots for the kid's teachers. We went to the farm on Sunday and had a big family picnic on Monday. We had tons of food and spent the entire day outside. The weather was pretty warm but there was a nice breeze. The younger kids got in the baby pool and sprinkler, but they did say the water was cold. We had a long black visitor as well, but my brother-in-law jumped in and saved the day, causing loud screams from the little kids (and some bigger kids too)!

Now it's back to the weekly routine. The kids have this last week with their current preschool teachers and then they transition. Peyton is a little worried about the change, but I'm sure she'll adjust quickly. Liam is oblivious, which is probably for the best! We have the annual preschool graduation/ transition program this week, strawberry picking, a wedding, and our 11th anniversary to celebrate too! Plus we have to start getting ready for our camping trip. It's going to be interesting camping with two small children. I'm going to need to start making a list now so I won't forget anything major, like diapers! Laundry beckons....I need to get off the computer!

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