Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So cold today

It is so cold today. I think the temp is still just above freezing. It probably won't get into the 40's today...brrrrrr. The kids were driving me insane this morning bickering and fighting. Mark came home for lunch and gave me a bit of a break. Now it's rest/ nap time and all is quiet. I just finished reading my Bible and my daily devotion and hopped online before going to grab a snack. My small group issued a challenge to choose a devotion and read it every day for 90 days. I LOVE a challenge and probably stick to things better when I am challenged. It's day 19 of this particular one and I've read every day. I'm hoping this becomes a habit that sticks! I have never before been able to sustain any sort of daily quiet time or daily Bible reading. I fail every single time. It would be great if I can maintain it this time. There is so much to read and so much I want to learn.

We are heading to the library after rest time and then to our church for the monthly fellowship dinner. On the menu for tonight is a Thanksgiving-style turkey dinner. I cannot wait!

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