Monday, February 16, 2009

Corners - 15 & 16

A big bowl of apples doesn't last long in our house. Both of the kids LOVE to eat them. The boots were by the door during our last snowfall. We got teased a little bit this morning with some snowflakes, but the sun is bright and they didn't last long.

My camera has been idle this month. Most of the pictures I've had in these corners pictures were taken last month. I've been so busy with crochet projects and with other projects around the house that I just haven't picked it up.

Our youth at church yesterday cooked a pancake breakfast to raise money for a mission trip. Liam's 2 and 3 year old Sunday school class came as a group. It was so cute to see a table full of toddlers digging in to pancakes. They were all quite sticky when it was done. Miss Gina told me that Liam ate 3 pancakes! That's my boy!

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