Monday, October 13, 2008

Now for something fun....tag, I guess I'm it!

Kate Kelty of The Kelty's tagged me and I'm so new at this and I'm not sure I have 7 bloggy friends that would appreciate being tagged, but here goes anyway.

1. I was part of a quartet of singers in (I think) middle school that performed in an Assemblies of God American Idol-esque talent show that was called Teen Talent. We traveled to several churches performing a Sandi Patti song called "Pour on the Power." I didn't even remember that I had done this until recently...hmmm selective memory maybe?

2. I met Tom Brokaw when I was a senior in high school. I wanted desperately to make a name for myself in television journalism and got a press pass to attend the 1992 Presidential debates that were taking place at the University of Richmond. I went to the press room and watched reporters and anchors writing and taping and filing stories. I was this starry eyed kid who had HUGE dreams and so I wanted to meet Tom Brokaw. I did meet him and well, let's just say he wasn't very nice to me. That was probably the beginning of the end of my big TV dream.

3. I LOVE baking but would much rather eat the raw dough than the finished product. I would bake something every day if I could, but I'm afraid that everyone in my house would be crazy overweight from eating all the goodies. I love making coffee cake and cinnamon rolls and pie.....oh man, I'm going to go eat a piece of apple pie as soon as I publish this post! Oh, I made my very first pie crust from scratch this summer and now I feel compelled to do it and to find the best recipe I can. I made 2 apple pies this weekend with 2 different pie crust recipes.

4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Redskins, even though so many of my sports loving friends hate them and make fun of me for it. I hope our kids will be major dyed in the wool fans and will wear their love with pride. We are very strict about their tv watching, except for Sunday football. We've been teaching them to say, "Redskins Rule! Cowboys Drool!" We're also teaching them the Redskins fight song and I look forward to taking them to FedEx field for a game in the future.

5. I am a major wannabe cowgirl. I worked for a few summers at a Christian summer camp, but I was a wrangler in the barn, taking out trail rides, teaching kids about barn animals, etc. I learned how to rope and would rope fence rails, haybales, and even campers....shhh that was a big no no! I wish I had a way to ride every day. It really is a passion that one day I hope to get back into.

***I'm trying to keep these fun and random in light of my last two posts :)

6. I love this time of year, the fall, and can't wait for the leaves to turn in my backyard. I love taking pictures of my kids in the leaves and I love having Mark rake them up so we can jump in them and crunch them. I love eating apple pies and decorating with pumpkins and gourds. I look forward to fall all summer!

7. I never imagined that I would be staying home with my kids. I really imagined that I would be living in New York working for a big network doing news. I now can't imagine my life without Peyton and Liam and living in the little 'burg. I LOVE being part of a small-ish community. I love playing flute in the local concert band. I love knowing other people and connecting with them in random places. I feel extremely blessed to have had my life turn out to be nothing like I planned/ expected.

Okay, now you're it (but only if you want to be)
Miss Booshay
The Faircloths
Chocolate Chic

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