Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Stuck inside again...Aunt Jane to the rescue

Have I mentioned that I love Jane? She is one of the best friends, probably the best friend, I have ever had. She is kind and compassionate and loves to mail us treats, homemade ones! We are stuck inside again today due to rain and a little bit of ice. It is just plain nasty outside and I am not interested in dragging the kids out in it, so we're inside. We were going a little stir crazy when the doorbell rang. It was our sweet mailman (he used to knock quietly because he knew I had little ones sleeping) with a large package...Aunt Jane to the rescue! She mailed us some V-day goodies, edible ones and some that required planting. Peyton and Liam were squealing the whole time I was opening the box. It made a HUGE difference in our day. Peyton had her chocolate jones satisfied, Liam got a new toy to play with, and me, well I got a few minutes of peace and quiet!

Love you Jane!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you! i'm so glad that the package came in one piece and i could be a part of your rainy cold day!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox